What Can You Do with Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Programming languages allow you to control what a computer does and the way it does it.

Its biggest strength in web development is the large selection of web frameworks available including Django, Bottle, and Flask. Python handles the server-side of the application and deals with data requests.

Python is universal, expressive, comprehensive, and free. It is adopted by teachers, mathematicians, data scientists, engineers, researchers, college students, game programmers, hobbyists, technical journalists … anyone.

Creating a neural network with Python
A neural network can be defined as a structure that mimics the functioning of the human brain to process data. Today neural networks are widely used in artificial intelligence applications, for example, to recognize images, shapes, text, numbers, faces. Voice assistants like Siri or Alexa rely on neural networks.

Complex neural networks need large computing capabilities, but simple ones are built relatively easily even on the home computer, and are the same in the basic structure. Learning how to create a neural network can be the first step towards a career as a data scientist

Image Processing and Computer Vision
Image processing involves applying transformations to an image before returning a new version. Computer vision is slightly more complex and involves helping the computer interpret and understand an image. Python libraries are useful for both these applications and can be used to perform operations such as cropping, flipping, rotating, detecting edges and lines, and restoring images.

Python at the frontier of data science and machine learning
If you are thinking about what can I do with python? in the data science field, The versatility and ease of approach of Python immediately made it the favorite language of those who began to deal with the new branches of artificial intelligence; the sector was practically virgin and Python quickly established itself among the most used languages. The rest was done by the community, with the development of libraries and language extensions that enable it to better tackle any problem, in a short time, even for those with more laboratory or statistical experience than in programming.

Neuroscience and Psychology
Python’s ability to acquire and analyze data, and test hypothesis through modeling and simulation makes it the perfect fit in computational neuroscience and experimental psychology research. The open-source package PsychoPy was developed to run experiments in Python and is used in labs worldwide for cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, and psychophysics.

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