Redesign of the RGPD module of your store!

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now known by all Internet users. This management of personal data is more and more crucial for each website owner.

The RGPD requires each website to notify the user of the cookies present and allow him to accept them or not.

We wanted to update this RGPD module to better adapt to the uses of each.

In this sense, we are pleased to announce today a complete overhaul of the RGPD notice of your store!

A new pop-up appears

As of today, your RGPD Notice module has a new design!

Previously, a classic information banner appeared at the bottom of the screen.

From now on, a pop-up will be displayed as soon as a user visits, with your personalized title and description.

There are now 2 simple choices: Accept or continue without accepting.

This pop-up is of course customizable to the colors of your store

What changes for you (and the web user)

This redesign comes with its own set of changes.

First of all, for the user, the module only allows him to accept or refuse all the cookies. Eventually, it will be possible for the user to select precisely which cookies to keep or not. We will communicate this information to you as soon as it is online.

Concerning the latter, you should know that there are 2 types of cookies: those that collect data and those that do not. It is possible that some of your “free” scripts are important and do not require RGPD validation (example: making snow fall on the store for Christmas).

In this type of case, we give you the possibility to “force” some scripts, even if the user clicks on “Refuse”. For this, it will be necessary to uncheck or not the box “This script does not require RGPD validation”.

Note that as part of this redesign, all scripts will be forced by default. This avoids several technical problems following the blocking of certain services. We advise you to check each of the scripts in order to remain in accordance with the RGPD.

Finally, when updating to the new module, the title and text of the old banner will not be taken over. So be sure to set these texts aside for inclusion in the new version.

Configure your RGPD pop-up
We give you access to a brand new design and more advanced choices in the management of your store scripts.

This new feature is necessary to make your store “RGPD-friendly” and reassure the consumer during his navigation.

This module is mandatory for every website and we invite you to take a few minutes to correctly configure the essential scripts.

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